Flying with a baby - Colorado Mountain Doulas

5 Tips for Flying with a Baby in CO

Whether your baby is a few weeks old or several months old, when you realize that you’re about to go on Baby’s First Plane Trip you might get a little nervous. What if the baby gets hungry? What if she cries and the other passengers are rude about it? Am I supposed to take the… Continue Reading 5 Tips for Flying with a Baby in CO

Mastitis - Colorado Mountain Doulas

I Might Have Mastitis: What Should I Do?

Mastitis: a funny-sounding word for a not-so-funny condition. All too many nursing mothers have experienced rapid-onset breast pain, fever, and chills that mark a breast infection. Let’s learn a little more about this common mother’s problem – what it is, and what you should do if you have mastitis. What is Mastitis? Simply put, mastitis… Continue Reading I Might Have Mastitis: What Should I Do?

cluster feeding - Colorado Mountain Doulas
family visiting baby - Colorado Mountain Doulas

Handling Family and Visitors Your First Two Weeks Home

The first two weeks after bringing home baby are sweet and special, but they can also be a little nerve-racking. Are they eating enough? Pooping enough? Is this stream of visitors bringing in cold and flu germs? As a parent, you have the right and prerogative to determine who will visit during this time, and… Continue Reading Handling Family and Visitors Your First Two Weeks Home

Pregnant - What Happens Next - Colorado Mountain Doulas

I’m Pregnant. What Do I Do Now?

It’s so easy to become overwhelmed with all the things people say you need to do once you’re carrying another human inside of you. I assure you, everyone from your relatives to someone you bump into from high school to the guy behind you in the checkout line has an opinion about your pregnancy that… Continue Reading I’m Pregnant. What Do I Do Now?

Postpartum Feeding - Colorado Mountain Doulas
baby shower
getaways Colorado