Find Doulas in the Rocky Mountains

Find Doula Support in the Rocky Mountains

As a new parent in a small Colorado mountain town, looking for birth and postpartum doula services can seem daunting. After all, there are very few doulas who live within an hour of these picturesque towns. Thankfully, there are experienced doulas who would love to travel to support growing families and their new little ones.… Continue Reading Find Doula Support in the Rocky Mountains

Baby Nurse Denver Colorado

Baby Nurse & Overnight Postpartum Care in Denver Colorado

What’s the difference between a Baby Nurse, a Postpartum Doula, and a Newborn Care Specialist? What Is  A Baby Nurse? The term baby nurse has become a general term used in the U.S. to describe a person who cares for your baby at night. This term gives the impression of a trained medical nurse, in… Continue Reading Baby Nurse & Overnight Postpartum Care in Denver Colorado

Should I Sleep Train My Baby?

Should I Sleep Train My Baby? – Postpartum Doulas in Colorado

Should I Sleep Train My baby? Being a postpartum doula and a mother, every single day I read a post or an article online somewhere about sleep training babies, and there are ALWAYS very big emotions and opinions around it. Parents post in local groups asking Why won’t my baby sleep? What do I do if… Continue Reading Should I Sleep Train My Baby? – Postpartum Doulas in Colorado

Routine Newborn Procedures in Colorado

If you’ve taken a childbirth class, read books, or watched videos about pregnancy and labor, you’re probably pretty familiar with most of the testing and procedures which you can expect when having a newborn. But what should you expect for your baby, once they arrive? Here is some information regarding routine newborn procedures in Colorado… Continue Reading Routine Newborn Procedures in Colorado

social media and babies

Social Media & Babies

It’s 2019, and that means everything and everyone is on the ‘gram – including real-life pregnancy and birth. Some people are a little more private about their experience, and that’s okay. But if you’re like a lot of modern parents, you are planning to document your journey from bump to baby on Facebook, Instagram, or… Continue Reading Social Media & Babies

postpartum sex - Colorado Mountain Doulas

Getting Your Groove Thing Back after Baby

You’ve delivered your baby, figured out the whole feeding and burping thing, and settled into something vaguely resembling a routine. You’re healed up and doing human activities again. Well, most of them. The six-week mark on the calendar is looming and you’re not quite sure how to feel… That’s right, we’re talking about the first… Continue Reading Getting Your Groove Thing Back after Baby

Flying with a baby - Colorado Mountain Doulas

5 Tips for Flying with a Baby in CO

Whether your baby is a few weeks old or several months old, when you realize that you’re about to go on Baby’s First Plane Trip you might get a little nervous. What if the baby gets hungry? What if she cries and the other passengers are rude about it? Am I supposed to take the… Continue Reading 5 Tips for Flying with a Baby in CO

Mastitis - Colorado Mountain Doulas

I Might Have Mastitis: What Should I Do?

Mastitis: a funny-sounding word for a not-so-funny condition. All too many nursing mothers have experienced rapid-onset breast pain, fever, and chills that mark a breast infection. Let’s learn a little more about this common mother’s problem – what it is, and what you should do if you have mastitis. What is Mastitis? Simply put, mastitis… Continue Reading I Might Have Mastitis: What Should I Do?

cluster feeding - Colorado Mountain Doulas
family visiting baby - Colorado Mountain Doulas

Handling Family and Visitors Your First Two Weeks Home

The first two weeks after bringing home baby are sweet and special, but they can also be a little nerve-racking. Are they eating enough? Pooping enough? Is this stream of visitors bringing in cold and flu germs? As a parent, you have the right and prerogative to determine who will visit during this time, and… Continue Reading Handling Family and Visitors Your First Two Weeks Home