Today is National Hug Day 2017.
In case your social media page is not flooded like mine, or you live under a rock, or lost your phone in the woods while simultaneously losing all T.V. and radio service, you are also aware that today is also Women’s March.
Today is my favorite day in 2017 so far. It’s filled with love and power and justice. While I was not able to get out and march today, due to work, I am so so happy to see the solidarity all over my social media channels today.
Colorado Mountain Doulas stands for ALL people. We stand for equality. We stand for People of Color. We stand for LGBTQUAI*. We stand for families. We stand for accessible health care. We stand for justice. We speak up. We stand for consent. We stand for knowledge. We stand for love, always.
#lovetrumpshate #blacklivesmatter #lovewins #NoDApl #waterislife #loveislove #onelove #healtheworld #saysomethingnow