Will a Doula Help me with Household Chores?

Will a Doula Help me with Household Chores?


What kinds of chores can doulas help with?


This answer can vary quite a bit from provider to provider, as some of our daytime Doulas love to cook, organize and run errands, while others prefer to focus on supporting the family in other ways. This can also vary based on the support your choose, whether daytime or overnight.

Daytime Support

  • Help with baby laundry
  • Light meal prep
  • General upkeep of the areas used most during the day while supporting baby
    • stocking the nursery
    • changing crib sheets
    • taking out the diaper pail

Overnight Support

  • Help with baby laundry IF it does not interrupt sleep for others in the household
  • Washing & sanitizing bottles and pump parts
  • Tidying up the areas they use overnight while supporting the family

Additional Support (These are not standard but can be requested if needed. Each provider will decide their own comfort level.)

  • Family Laundry
  • Cooking/Meal Prep
  • Running Errands
  • Pet support
  • Sibling support
  • Organizing baby’s things
  • Dishes
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Jenn Leonard

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