Hire a Doula

When Should I Hire a Doula?

So, you’ve just found out you’re pregnant. Congratulations! As you start planning for the arrival of your little one, you may have heard about doulas and the invaluable support they can provide during pregnancy, labor, and postpartum. But when is the right time to hire a doula? The Sooner The Better While we have plenty… Continue Reading When Should I Hire a Doula?

How Is Your Placenta Encapsulation Different?

How Is Your Placenta Encapsulation Service Different?

Q: Your price for placenta encapsulation is higher than expected, why is that? A: We do encapsulation a little bit differently here at Colorado Mountain Doulas! To ensure the safest possible processing, your placenta never leaves your side, being packed directly into your transportation kit at your bedside and processed in your home to protect… Continue Reading How Is Your Placenta Encapsulation Service Different?

Will a Doula Help me with Household Chores?
Where do the doulas sleep overnight?
4th Trimester - Colorado Mountain Doulas

The 4th Trimester 411

4th Trimester Information In our society, we make a big fuss over pregnancy. We do lots of research, ask our doctors before even thinking of trying a new food or activity, and write detailed birth plans for our special day. But strangely enough, few of us ever take the time to study and prepare for… Continue Reading The 4th Trimester 411

postpartum sex - Colorado Mountain Doulas

Getting Your Groove Thing Back after Baby

You’ve delivered your baby, figured out the whole feeding and burping thing, and settled into something vaguely resembling a routine. You’re healed up and doing human activities again. Well, most of them. The six-week mark on the calendar is looming and you’re not quite sure how to feel… That’s right, we’re talking about the first… Continue Reading Getting Your Groove Thing Back after Baby

Postpartum Planning - Colorado Mountain Doulas
Postpartum depression and emotional adjustment - Colorado Mountain Doulas
Postpartum recovery - Colorado Mountain Doulas