Have you heard this word before?
A few years ago a short documentary came out called MicroBirth. The trailer describes it as:
“Investigating the latest scientific research about the microscopic events happening during childbirth. These events could have life-long consequences for the health of our children and potentially could even impact mankind.”
It’s a fascinating, and also scary documentary that really makes you think about all the forms of good and bad bacteria involved in keeping our bodies functioning properly, and things that can happen during birth to change things.
Every individual has their own microbiome, which expands to include close family members who live together. In Elementary school we learned about the microbiome as an ecosystem. Each ecosystem has it’s own bacteria, it’s own animals, predators, and food chain.
Our bodies, and our homes each have their own microbiome, or ecosystem that works together in a delicate balance, which is why ideas like vaginal seeding after a cesarean birth, vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) and in home placenta encapsulation are all becoming more popular. They are all attempts to keep or re-create the microbiome in tact.
It makes sense right? If there is a biological or physiological way a body is “suppose” to do something, and that process gets interrupted, there can be consequences. When you get sick, your body is suppose to heat up to kill the virus and create antibodies to attack the invader. This is why we are seeing more and more advice from the medical community not to use fever reducers unless a temperature gets to a certain point, and a reduction in the use of antibiotics. Western medicine, in some areas is beginning to lean towards allowing the body processes to do their job and intervene less.
The microbiome is similar. It has a very specific purpose, to keep good and bad bacteria in check and running smoothly. What do you think about the microbiome? Is it important to you to keep your microbiome intact?
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