4th Trimester - Colorado Mountain Doulas

The 4th Trimester 411

4th Trimester Information In our society, we make a big fuss over pregnancy. We do lots of research, ask our doctors before even thinking of trying a new food or activity, and write detailed birth plans for our special day. But strangely enough, few of us ever take the time to study and prepare for… Continue Reading The 4th Trimester 411

Postpartum depression and emotional adjustment - Colorado Mountain Doulas
placenta encapsulation - Colorado Mountain Doulas

Pregnancy & Parenting Resources in Colorado

This Resource Guide will be revised regularly to provide you with the most up to date information. If you notice any missing links or would like to add something to the list, please comment below. In-Person Support Groups for Families in Colorado New Mom Haven Postpartum Support Circle Wednesdays 10:45 to 12:00 New Mother’s Support… Continue Reading Pregnancy & Parenting Resources in Colorado

postpartum depression

The MicroBiome in Your Own Home

Microwhat? Have you heard this word before? A few years ago a short documentary came out called MicroBirth. The trailer describes it as: “Investigating the latest scientific research about the microscopic events happening during childbirth. These events could have life-long consequences for the health of our children and potentially could even impact mankind.” It’s a… Continue Reading The MicroBiome in Your Own Home

Placenta Encapsulation Denver Colorado

Why Would You Eat Your Placenta?

Seriously. Why would you? Maybe you Googled placenta encapsulation in Colorado because you heard about it somewhere and you need to know more. Maybe you or your partner aren’t completely sold yet. Maybe you’ve made your decision and you’re curious if there are other things you haven’t thought about. Whatever brought you here, welcome! I… Continue Reading Why Would You Eat Your Placenta?
