If you are pregnant or planning to be pregnant in the near future, you are probably wondering things like, “How do I find an OB in Denver,” “Are there home birth midwives in Colorado Springs?” “Can I have a midwife in a Colorado hospital?”
All of these are valid things to be thinking about, but as a birth professional, I’d like to suggest that you first think about the type of birth you want and what you expect your birth experience to be like.
All care providers are not created equal. Some may prefer pregnant individuals birth their babies by their due date. Some may believe in allowing baby to choose their birthday.
Some may be completely fine with scheduling a cesarean birth for you right away, and some may refuse even a membrane strip until 41 weeks gestation.
Knowing what you want in a care provider before you interview them can go a very long way to creating the birth space you are looking for. If you are determined to have a VBAC except in the most serious of medical emergencies or you are considered high risk for underlying medical issues, finding the right provider from the very first appointment can be the difference between a stressful pregnancy and birth, and a peaceful, conflict free 10 months.
Wait. Did I say Interview?
As a doula I hear from clients every day that they got a few recommendations from friends, family members, or online groups and made an appointment right away. They go in, take off their clothes, get an exam, take a test to confirm, and schedule their next appointment with little thought to the rest of the pregnancy and the care they will receive.
Many months later, when we are sitting down for an interview or a prenatal, or meeting for the first time at a Parent Chat, the uncertainty comes out.
“My OB won’t let me…..”
“My midwife wants me to….”
“I don’t want to…”
“I don’t understand why….”
By this time clients are usually over halfway through their pregnancy. They’ve been going to their provider for several months, had several exams, and feel stuck.
Bringing a tiny human into this world is a very important event. I would propose that each birth is, in that moment, the most important experience of your life. Your birth experience will stay with you forever, good or bad.
Not so sure about that? How many times has your mother told you your own birth story, or hers, or that of your siblings? The support system you choose now can have a huge impact on your reality and your birth outcome. This is more important than the location of your wedding, and think about how long it took you to plan that!
Decide WHAT you want your birth to be like. Decide WHERE you want your birth to take place. Decide HOW you want to be treated during the entire pregnancy and birthing experience. THEN decide WHO you will allow to be in attendance.
Remember that your care providers work for you, and you deserve respect and the best care possible. Keep your clothes on for these interviews. This is not an initial exam; it is you, hiring someone to work for you. Use this hand out to help you ask the right questions.
Interview several providers before making a decision. THEN, contact us to help guide you through the rest of the process. As experienced doulas working in Colorado Springs, Denver, and surrounding areas, we can recommend you the best doctors and midwives in Colorado. We work with ALL providers in all settings and we can’t wait to be a part of your beautiful birth!