Our Favorite Books for Your Growing Family

Do you remember when your parents use to read to you as a child?

Do you remember when you first began to read for yourself?

Do you remember when you first began to read to your child?

Many parents wonder “When should I start reading to my child?” While the answer to this varies depending on what you read, a recent study confirms that reading to children early and often has immense benefits on a child’s brain.  We polled Colorado Mountain Doulas for their favorite books and these were the results:

Sam MacArthur

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Guess How Much I Love You, Snuggle Puppy, On The Day You Were Born for little kids. Snuggle Puppy is a great rhythmic story for little peeps.
For older kids, The Indian in the Cupboard, A Wrinkle in Time, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Giver and The Light in the Forest, to name a few.
The Giver was my favorite as a kid because it talks about this future Utopian society where everything is perfect and chosen for you. No pain, no danger, etc except for one job, the giver. The giver gets to know everything and uses his or her wisdom to keep society running smoothly… Or is it supposed to. … I kinda like books.”

Amanda Stites

ChickaChicka          hp-008_1z          The_Story_of_Ferdinand

“Jackson likes Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, but he’s only 8.5 months old. My favs are If You Give a Mouse a Cookie & Ferdinand.”

Jessica Strickland


“We love Goldilocks and the Three Dinosaurs by Mo Willems. It makes us giggle and Adelaide pretty much has it memorized.”

Sarah Lund

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“My favorite as a child was Peter Spiers’ Rain. I love Kevin Henkes books now- Owen, Lily’s Purple Plastic Purse, Wemberly Worried, etc.”

Jenn Leonard

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“My favorite books as a kid were The Poky Little Puppy and Corduroy the Bear. Aeden STILL loves Chrysanthemum! I’m not good with the author’s names, so I didn’t even know Kevin Henkes had others.”

Where is your favorite place to buy children’s books in Colorado?

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Jenn Leonard

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