social media and babies

Social Media & Babies

It’s 2019, and that means everything and everyone is on the ‘gram – including real-life pregnancy and birth. Some people are a little more private about their experience, and that’s okay. But if you’re like a lot of modern parents, you are planning to document your journey from bump to baby on Facebook, Instagram, or… Continue Reading Social Media & Babies

birth processing - Colorado Mountain Doulas

Birth – Processing Your Experience

Your baby has been born, and you’re settling in at home – but is the experience really “over” unless you’ve been able to process what just happened? Whether your birth was smooth or complicated, long or short, scary or satisfying, it is vital to spend some time in reflection after one of the most high-impact… Continue Reading Birth – Processing Your Experience

super bowl

Super Bowl 50 Baby!

That’s right, the big 5-0 and our own Broncos are in it to win it! The excitement at my house is palpable as the men get ready to celebrate by eating all the food and screaming at the t.v. I, however, will be spending tonight with a very special newborn, taking care of him so… Continue Reading Super Bowl 50 Baby!


Baby Led Weaning – Beyond the Purees

Colorado Springs mom Michelle Rodriguez is no stranger to babies and food. Michelle is a Colorado La Leche League leader and mom to Remy, age 4. She is an incredibly knowledgable individual who is compassionate as well as driven to help parents in our city. She is also a respected instructor for Baby Led Weaning classes, helping families decide how to feed first… Continue Reading Baby Led Weaning – Beyond the Purees

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