postpartum sex - Colorado Mountain Doulas

Getting Your Groove Thing Back after Baby

You’ve delivered your baby, figured out the whole feeding and burping thing, and settled into something vaguely resembling a routine. You’re healed up and doing human activities again. Well, most of them. The six-week mark on the calendar is looming and you’re not quite sure how to feel… That’s right, we’re talking about the first… Continue Reading Getting Your Groove Thing Back after Baby

Sleep well with a newborn - Colorado Mountain Doulas

You Can Sleep Well With a Newborn

I know, that can be hard to believe. I wouldn’t have believed it myself when my kids were itty bitty newborns ahem 12-21 years ago….. No one told me there were ways to have help at night, even if I was breastfeeding. No one offered to come to stay with me and take care of… Continue Reading You Can Sleep Well With a Newborn
