Find Doulas in the Rocky Mountains

Find Doula Support in the Rocky Mountains

As a new parent in a small Colorado mountain town, looking for birth and postpartum doula services can seem daunting. After all, there are very few doulas who live within an hour of these picturesque towns. Thankfully, there are experienced doulas who would love to travel to support growing families and their new little ones.… Continue Reading Find Doula Support in the Rocky Mountains

Baby Nurse Denver Colorado

Baby Nurse & Overnight Postpartum Care in Denver Colorado

What’s the difference between a Baby Nurse, a Postpartum Doula, and a Newborn Care Specialist? What Is  A Baby Nurse? The term baby nurse has become a general term used in the U.S. to describe a person who cares for your baby at night. This term gives the impression of a trained medical nurse, in… Continue Reading Baby Nurse & Overnight Postpartum Care in Denver Colorado

Should I Sleep Train My Baby?

Should I Sleep Train My Baby? – Postpartum Doulas in Colorado

Should I Sleep Train My baby? Being a postpartum doula and a mother, every single day I read a post or an article online somewhere about sleep training babies, and there are ALWAYS very big emotions and opinions around it. Parents post in local groups asking Why won’t my baby sleep? What do I do if… Continue Reading Should I Sleep Train My Baby? – Postpartum Doulas in Colorado

Postpartum recovery - Colorado Mountain Doulas

To Swaddle or Not to Swaddle…….Why is it a Question?

Let’s talk about one of the many magical secrets of Colorado postpartum doulas, newborn care specialists and night nannies…………SWADDLING. The act of swaddling newborns has been going on for as long as babies have been being born. Wrapping a sweet little newborn up in snug, soft cloth has many benefits. Swaddling can calm a fussy baby faster… Continue Reading To Swaddle or Not to Swaddle…….Why is it a Question?


Pregnancy & Parenting Resources in Colorado

This Resource Guide will be revised regularly to provide you with the most up to date information. If you notice any missing links or would like to add something to the list, please comment below. In-Person Support Groups for Families in Colorado New Mom Haven Postpartum Support Circle Wednesdays 10:45 to 12:00 New Mother’s Support… Continue Reading Pregnancy & Parenting Resources in Colorado


5 Things I Know About Infant Sleep

Professional doula, Gwendolyn Mccomsey shares her secrets for infant sleep on today’s guest blog. Psst…..I have a secret to tell you. Did you know that you don’t have to suffer with never ending sleepless nights as a parent of a newborn? It’s true. You can set yourself up to have long stretches of sleep pretty… Continue Reading 5 Things I Know About Infant Sleep
