Sleep well with a newborn - Colorado Mountain Doulas

You Can Sleep Well With a Newborn

I know, that can be hard to believe. I wouldn’t have believed it myself when my kids were itty bitty newborns ahem 12-21 years ago….. No one told me there were ways to have help at night, even if I was breastfeeding. No one offered to come to stay with me and take care of… Continue Reading You Can Sleep Well With a Newborn

Diaper Drive - No Child Wet Behind - Colorado Mountain Doulas
postpartum doula

10 Reasons to Have a Postpartum Doula on Your Side

Sometimes, people ask us, “What exactly does a postpartum doula do?” Here are 10 reasons to have a postpartum doula on your side. 1. Asking a postpartum doula is easier than asking family. When you’re paying someone, it’s not hard to ask for your eggs to be cooked just the way you like them. Plus,… Continue Reading 10 Reasons to Have a Postpartum Doula on Your Side

New baby must haves

Colorado Mountain Doulas Presents: New Baby Must Haves

Our 5 Postpartum Must Haves   You’ve made it through the first few months of exhaustion and excitement and you may or may not know if you’re having a boy or girl. So…what’s next? Planning for a baby can be overwhelming and daunting — especially when you think of all the gadgets and beautiful things that… Continue Reading Colorado Mountain Doulas Presents: New Baby Must Haves