Postpartum Planning - Colorado Mountain Doulas
Postpartum bonding with baby - Colorado Mountain Doulas

To Swaddle or Not to Swaddle…….Why is it a Question?

Let’s talk about one of the many magical secrets of Colorado postpartum doulas, newborn care specialists and night nannies…………SWADDLING. The act of swaddling newborns has been going on for as long as babies have been being born.Ā Wrapping a sweet little newborn up in snug, soft cloth has many benefits.Ā Swaddling can calm a fussy baby faster… Continue Reading To Swaddle or Not to Swaddle…….Why is it a Question?


5 Things I Know About Infant Sleep

Professional doula, Gwendolyn Mccomsey shares her secrets for infant sleep on today’s guest blog. Psst…..I have a secret to tell you. Did you know that you don’t have to suffer with never ending sleepless nights as a parent of a newborn? It’s true. You can set yourself up to have long stretches of sleep pretty… Continue Reading 5 Things I Know About Infant Sleep

postpartum doula - first night home with baby