Who is the Best OB-GYN in Colorado?

You’re expecting a bundle of joy and doing all of your research… Safest prenatal vitamins, where to buy maternity clothes in Denver, and of course, the best doulas in Denver…but how do you find the best OB-GYN in Colorado? When it comes to the safety of you and your baby during pregnancy and delivery, nothing
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social media and babies

Social Media & Babies

It’s 2019, and that means everything and everyone is on the ‘gram – including real-life pregnancy and birth. Some people are a little more private about their experience, and that’s okay. But if you’re like a lot of modern parents, you are planning to document your journey from bump to baby on Facebook, Instagram, or
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Morning Sickness – How Can I Get Rid Of It?

Ah, the dreaded “morning sickness”…or as we like to call it, all-day sickness. Nausea and vomiting are often the first signs of pregnancy for many people, sometimes even prompting that first rush to the drugstore to grab a pregnancy test. For most pregnancies, morning sickness only lasts the first trimester, but any amount of time
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birth processing - Colorado Mountain Doulas

Birth – Processing Your Experience

Your baby has been born, and you’re settling in at home – but is the experience really “over” unless you’ve been able to process what just happened? Whether your birth was smooth or complicated, long or short, scary or satisfying, it is vital to spend some time in reflection after one of the most high-impact
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overload during birth and postpartum

Overload During Pregnancy

Some of us like to fly by the seat of our pants. Some of us like to research and plan out every detail of our lives. Whichever category you fall into, there’s one thing we can all agree on: the struggle is real when it comes to pregnancy information overload! You can’t eat this, you
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