That’s right, the big 5-0 and our own Broncos are in it to win it! The excitement at my house is palpable as the men get ready to celebrate by eating all the food and screaming at the t.v.
I, however, will be spending tonight with a very special newborn, taking care of him so his parents can get some much-needed sleep. #postpartumdoulasdothat
With so much buzz about the Broncos and the Panthers and of course, the FIFTIETH Super Bowl, lots of great Super Bowl statistics and trivia are popping up all over.
The one that has come to our attention, of course, is that after the game comes to a baby boom in the winning Super Bowl state. I first heard this fun fact on Peak 92.9, Romi, Goose & Woody in the morning. I thought it was amusing and had a good chuckle on my drive to drop my kids off at school.
Then this morning I saw this video going around.
There have been mixed reviews on the commercial, but as any OBs, midwives, doulas or L&D nurses will tell you, Baby Booms after big events, good and bad are a very real thing. This February, 2016 so far we’ve had Snowmageddon, Super Bowl 50, and Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Get ready to celebrate! I predict next Fall and Winter are going to be VERY busy with pregnant families and newborn babies! Don’t forget to give us a call right away when you get the good news……..we may have limited spaces available!