Frequently Asked Questions
Become A Doula at Colorado Mountain Doulas

Work With A Doula Agency -Colorado Mountain Doulas

Ā Become A Doula With An Agency in Colorado, Doula FAQ During your doula training, you may or may not have heard about the option of working for a local doula agency to help you get your business up and running. At Colorado Mountain Doulas, we are almost always looking for new, professional doulas to add
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Newborns & Coronavirus – Keeping Your Family Safe

Social Distancing and Immunity This is not going to be another blog post about numbers and statistics and handwashing directions. There are plenty of those floating around right now, and you are all capable adults who know how to find the information you need. This is going to be a story about a doula and
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Belly binding Colorado

Belly Binding In Colorado Springs & Denver

Postpartum Belly Binding Available In Colorado Springs & Denver The journey of pregnancy, labor, and birth resembles nothing so much as a marathon. And just like after running a marathon, you want to have some tools and comforts available to help you relax, recover, and heal your tired and shaky body. One of those tools
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Baby Nurse Denver Colorado

Baby Nurse & Overnight Postpartum Care in Denver Colorado

What’s the difference between a Baby Nurse, a Postpartum Doula, and a Newborn Care Specialist? What IsĀ  A Baby Nurse? The term baby nurse has become a general term used in the U.S. to describe a person who cares for your baby at night. This term gives the impression of a trained medical nurse, in
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Should I Sleep Train My Baby?

Should I Sleep Train My Baby? – Postpartum Doulas in Colorado

Should I Sleep Train My baby? Being a postpartum doula and a mother, every single day I read a post or an article online somewhere aboutĀ sleep training babies, and there are ALWAYS very big emotions and opinions around it. Parents post in local groups asking Why won’t my baby sleep? What do I do if
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Doula - Colorado Mountain Doulas

What It’s Like To Have A Colorado Mountain Doula Labor Doula At Your Birth

What Does it Look Like to Have a Colorado MountainĀ  Doula at Your Birth? You’ve probably at least heard of a doula before. You know that they are hired support persons for labor and delivery and that they’ll probably rub your back and help you breathe through the contractions. But what could having one really
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Routine Newborn Procedures in Colorado

If you’ve taken a childbirth class, read books, or watched videos about pregnancy and labor, you’re probably pretty familiar with most of the testing and procedures which you can expect when having a newborn. But what should you expect for your baby, once they arrive? Here is some information regarding routine newborn procedures in Colorado
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4th Trimester - Colorado Mountain Doulas

The 4th Trimester 411

4th Trimester Information In our society, we make a big fuss over pregnancy. We do lots of research, ask our doctors before even thinking of trying a new food or activity, and write detailed birth plans for our special day. But strangely enough, few of us ever take the time to study and prepare for
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postpartum sex - Colorado Mountain Doulas

Getting Your Groove Thing Back after Baby

You’ve delivered your baby, figured out the whole feeding and burping thing, and settled into something vaguely resembling a routine. You’re healed up and doing human activities again. Well, most of them. The six-week mark on the calendar is looming and you’re not quite sure how to feel… That’s right, we’re talking about the first
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