family visiting baby - Colorado Mountain Doulas

Handling Family and Visitors Your First Two Weeks Home

The first two weeks after bringing home baby are sweet and special, but they can also be a little nerve-racking. Are they eating enough? Pooping enough? Is this stream of visitors bringing in cold and flu germs? As a parent, you have the right and prerogative to determine who will visit during this time, and… Continue Reading Handling Family and Visitors Your First Two Weeks Home

Diaper Drive - No Child Wet Behind - Colorado Mountain Doulas
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Interview With ICAN President LaQuitha Glass

In the last week of #Cesareanawarenessmonth I took some time to chat with LaQuitha Glass, current President of the International Cesarean Awareness Network via email about ICAN, and its importance in an ever changing birth environment. The International Cesarean Awareness Network, Inc. (ICAN) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to: Improve maternal-child health by preventing unnecessary… Continue Reading Interview With ICAN President LaQuitha Glass


The Beautiful Birth of Emma, a VBAC Birth Story

In honor of Cesarean Awareness month, we’d like to share a beautiful VBAC birth story, as written from the mother’s point of view. This was the first hospital birth attended by both Lauren and myself. We are honored to have been a part of it. We were so blessed to find out that we were… Continue Reading The Beautiful Birth of Emma, a VBAC Birth Story

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