family visiting baby - Colorado Mountain Doulas

Handling Family and Visitors Your First Two Weeks Home

The first two weeks after bringing home baby are sweet and special, but they can also be a little nerve-racking. Are they eating enough? Pooping enough? Is this stream of visitors bringing in cold and flu germs? As a parent, you have the right and prerogative to determine who will visit during this time, and… Continue Reading Handling Family and Visitors Your First Two Weeks Home


Pregnancy & Parenting Resources in Colorado

This Resource Guide will be revised regularly to provide you with the most up to date information. If you notice any missing links or would like to add something to the list, please comment below. In-Person Support Groups for Families in Colorado New Mom Haven Postpartum Support Circle Wednesdays 10:45 to 12:00 New Mother’s Support… Continue Reading Pregnancy & Parenting Resources in Colorado

postpartum doula

10 Reasons to Have a Postpartum Doula on Your Side

Sometimes, people ask us, “What exactly does a postpartum doula do?” Here are 10 reasons to have a postpartum doula on your side. 1. Asking a postpartum doula is easier than asking family. When you’re paying someone, it’s not hard to ask for your eggs to be cooked just the way you like them. Plus,… Continue Reading 10 Reasons to Have a Postpartum Doula on Your Side

Babywearing after Cesarean

Babywearing After Cesarean Birth

Often mothers do not know about their options for babywearing after a cesarean, even if their cesarean was planned. The recovery can often be more difficult than expected, both physically and emotionally, making babywearing more difficult as a result. The good news is that with minor adjustments, babywearing can be relatively simple and safe for mothers who have just had surgery. Continue Reading Babywearing After Cesarean Birth