5 Things I Know About Bottle Feeding

Guest blog by Kate Herzel, professional doula and co-owner of Heartland Doulas. Congratulations! You’ve decided how you’re going to feed your baby, and we support your choice! Whether breast milk or formula, one thing is almost certain: You will probably feed your baby from a bottle, at some point. Here are five things I know about bottle… Continue Reading 5 Things I Know About Bottle Feeding


Colorado Mountain Guide to Date Night In!

On Friday we posted a little poll on our social media pages. The overwhelming response to this age-old Valentine’s Day question was……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Staying in! We’ve discovered that this is a common theme among parents with young children. While we fully believe that each and every one of you DESERVES a romantic night away from the… Continue Reading Colorado Mountain Guide to Date Night In!

getaways Colorado
Pregnancy - Things To Do At 40 Weeks In Denver

10 Things to Do When You’re 40 Weeks Pregnant in Colorado Springs

Are you nearing the end of your pregnancy in Colorado Springs? Starting to feel like you’re just done, like you can’t go another day? I’m here to help. The end of pregnancy can be the most difficult time to relax and have fun- but it’s also a great time to enjoy our beautiful city! You might need some ideas for… Continue Reading 10 Things to Do When You’re 40 Weeks Pregnant in Colorado Springs


Breastfeeding Sabotage Begins in the Womb part2

In August I made a quick post about the many ways our breastfeeding relationships tend to get sabotaged here in the US. Some are intentional, but most are not. Now I’d like to go into a little bit more detail on the first sabotage-SELF sabotage in the womb. Many people want to know what is… Continue Reading Breastfeeding Sabotage Begins in the Womb part2


Breastfeeding Sabotage, An American Epidemic Part1

Is your breastfeeding relationship being sabotaged? Are you sure? Are you unknowingly sabotaging someone else’s breastfeeding relationship? How do you know? I am a labor doula, postpartum and infant care doula and childbirth educator. I am a mother of three with a variety of breastfeeding experiences. Over twenty years ago my own breastfeeding relationship was sabotaged… Continue Reading Breastfeeding Sabotage, An American Epidemic Part1


Suburban Homestead January 2011

1-30-10 It’s January 30th an Spring is officially 50 days away, but if you are a gardener, or hope to become a gardener this year, your Spring garden should already be on your mind. If you live in a mild climate like I do January and February can send you on a planning roller coaster.… Continue Reading Suburban Homestead January 2011


It’s World Breastfeeding Week

In honor of World Breastfeeding Week  I thought I’d share a little video with you that I enjoyed. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7qceifvgguE&feature=player_embedded]