
Loved Ones and a New Baby

Everyone loves having family and friends to help after bringing a new baby home.  It’s such a special time, of course all your loved ones want to meet and hold that new baby.  But what about the groceries, laundry, dishes, and older siblings?  Life still needs to be managed, schedules still need to be maintained.
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Pregnancy - Things To Do At 40 Weeks In Denver

10 Things to Do When You’re 40 Weeks Pregnant in Colorado Springs

Are you nearing the end of your pregnancy in Colorado Springs? Starting to feel like you’re just done, like you can’t go another day? I’m here to help. The end of pregnancy can be the most difficult time to relax and have fun- but it’s also a great time to enjoy our beautiful city! You might need some ideas for
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Why I Love My State- Words From a Colorado Native

When I was a teenager, I thought living in Colorado was a curse. My weekends were spent away from friends, far from telephones and social events in favor of hiking the nearby mountains with my family. “When do we get to turn around? I need to stop and take a break!” were the words I uttered quite often. My
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