Scheduled Parenting - Colorado Mountain Doulas

Scheduled Parenting Tips

What is scheduled parenting and why is there such an uproar about it? Scheduled parenting is exactly what it sounds like, parenting your children, including infants, by the clock, rather than by instinct alone. It is structured, planned, and predictable………and also, it’s not. Let me explain. Scheduled parenting simply means working your baby into your… Continue Reading Scheduled Parenting Tips

Postpartum depression and emotional adjustment - Colorado Mountain Doulas
postpartum depression
Postpartum depression

Shout it from the Mountain Tops

Once again this year, I’m co-leading the Climb Out of the Darkness here in Colorado Springs. The issue of maternal mental health is an important and personal one to me and as we start to raise awareness around the event on June 18th, I’m sharing my blog post from last year. As always, by sharing… Continue Reading Shout it from the Mountain Tops