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5 Things I Know About Bottle Feeding

Guest blog by Kate Herzel, professional doula and co-owner of Heartland Doulas. Congratulations! You’ve decided how you’re goingĀ to feed your baby, and we support your choice! Whether breast milk or formula,Ā one thing is almost certain: You will probably feed your baby from a bottle, at some point. Here are five things I know about bottle
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5 Things I Know About Infant Sleep

Professional doula, Gwendolyn Mccomsey shares her secrets for infant sleep on today’s guest blog. Psst…..I have a secret to tell you. Did you know that you don’t have to suffer with never ending sleepless nights as a parent of a newborn? It’s true. You can set yourself up to have long stretches of sleep pretty
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postpartum doula - first night home with baby
postpartum depression