
5 Ways to Get a Breech Baby to Turn

If your baby is like most babies, by the time you’re in your third trimester they have probably flipped over into a vertex, or head-down position, locked and loaded for birth. Gravity and the growing weight of the baby’s head combine to help them drift down into the optimal position for delivery: head-first. However, did… Continue Reading 5 Ways to Get a Breech Baby to Turn

Pregnant - What Happens Next - Colorado Mountain Doulas

I’m Pregnant. What Do I Do Now?

It’s so easy to become overwhelmed with all the things people say you need to do once you’re carrying another human inside of you. I assure you, everyone from your relatives to someone you bump into from high school to the guy behind you in the checkout line has an opinion about your pregnancy that… Continue Reading I’m Pregnant. What Do I Do Now?


Pregnancy & Parenting Resources in Colorado

This Resource Guide will be revised regularly to provide you with the most up to date information. If you notice any missing links or would like to add something to the list, please comment below. In-Person Support Groups for Families in Colorado New Mom Haven Postpartum Support Circle Wednesdays 10:45 to 12:00 New Mother’s Support… Continue Reading Pregnancy & Parenting Resources in Colorado


The Last the Thing You Want to Think About During Pregnancy

The last thing you want to think about during pregnancy…no, not that. Exercise. Yep, exercise. You’re spending all of your energy on growing a human inside of you, the last thing you want to think about is peeling yourself off the sofa at night or rolling out of the bed extra early. But exercising during a… Continue Reading The Last the Thing You Want to Think About During Pregnancy