Flying with a baby - Colorado Mountain Doulas

5 Tips for Flying with a Baby in CO

Whether your baby is a few weeks old or several months old, when you realize that you’re about to go on Baby’s First Plane Trip you might get a little nervous. What if the baby gets hungry? What if she cries and the other passengers are rude about it? Am I supposed to take the… Continue Reading 5 Tips for Flying with a Baby in CO


Real Relationships Are Not About True Love

Today is my fifteenth wedding anniversary. Fifteen years of sharing the highs, the lows, the excitement and the everyday boredom. That’s a lot of time to be around anyone. Most of us were pretty well done with our parents and their shenanigans after 15 years. Am I right? Think back to 15 years ago. Who… Continue Reading Real Relationships Are Not About True Love

Placenta Encapsulation Denver Colorado

Why Would You Eat Your Placenta?

Seriously. Why would you? Maybe you Googled placenta encapsulation in Colorado because you heard about it somewhere and you need to know more. Maybe you or your partner aren’t completely sold yet. Maybe you’ve made your decision and you’re curious if there are other things you haven’t thought about. Whatever brought you here, welcome! I… Continue Reading Why Would You Eat Your Placenta?


The Last the Thing You Want to Think About During Pregnancy

The last thing you want to think about during pregnancy…no, not that. Exercise. Yep, exercise. You’re spending all of your energy on growing a human inside of you, the last thing you want to think about is peeling yourself off the sofa at night or rolling out of the bed extra early. But exercising during a… Continue Reading The Last the Thing You Want to Think About During Pregnancy

Comfort Measures Class
Babywearing after Cesarean

Babywearing After Cesarean Birth

Often mothers do not know about their options for babywearing after a cesarean, even if their cesarean was planned. The recovery can often be more difficult than expected, both physically and emotionally, making babywearing more difficult as a result. The good news is that with minor adjustments, babywearing can be relatively simple and safe for mothers who have just had surgery. Continue Reading Babywearing After Cesarean Birth

The Colorado Mountain Doulas Philosophy

You know what they say about opinions right? Everyone has one…….. This is a very common question that we get in interviews. Part of that is because for years there have been lists floating around with “Questions to Ask Your Doula”. One of those questions has always been, “What is your birth philosophy.” This questions… Continue Reading The Colorado Mountain Doulas Philosophy