Who is the Best OB-GYN in Colorado?

You’re expecting a bundle of joy and doing all of your research… Safest prenatal vitamins, where to buy maternity clothes in Denver, and of course, the best doulas in Denver…but how do you find the best OB-GYN in Colorado? When it comes to the safety of you and your baby during pregnancy and delivery, nothing
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social media and babies

Social Media & Babies

It’s 2019, and that means everything and everyone is on the ‘gram – including real-life pregnancy and birth. Some people are a little more private about their experience, and that’s okay. But if you’re like a lot of modern parents, you are planning to document your journey from bump to baby on Facebook, Instagram, or
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4th Trimester - Colorado Mountain Doulas

The 4th Trimester 411

4th Trimester Information In our society, we make a big fuss over pregnancy. We do lots of research, ask our doctors before even thinking of trying a new food or activity, and write detailed birth plans for our special day. But strangely enough, few of us ever take the time to study and prepare for
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Mastitis - Colorado Mountain Doulas

I Might Have Mastitis: What Should I Do?

Mastitis: a funny-sounding word for a not-so-funny condition. All too many nursing mothers have experienced rapid-onset breast pain, fever, and chills that mark a breast infection. Let’s learn a little more about this common mother’s problem – what it is, and what you should do if you have mastitis. What is Mastitis? Simply put, mastitis
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cluster feeding - Colorado Mountain Doulas

5 Ways to Get a Breech Baby to Turn

If your baby is like most babies, by the time you’re in your third trimester they have probably flipped over into a vertex, or head-down position, locked and loaded for birth. Gravity and the growing weight of the baby’s head combine to help them drift down into the optimal position for delivery: head-first. However, did
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Sleep well with a newborn - Colorado Mountain Doulas

You Can Sleep Well With a Newborn

I know, that can be hard to believe. I wouldn’t have believed it myself when my kids were itty bitty newborns ahem 12-21 years ago….. No one told me there were ways to have help at night, even if I was breastfeeding. No one offered to come to stay with me and take care of
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Moving your family to Colorado - Colorado Mountain Doulas

So You’re Moving Your Family to Colorado

Along with many other families from all over the country, you’re thinking about relocating to beautiful Colorado. I may not be a Colorado “native” (that’s the first thing you need to know about Colorado – the people who were born and raised here refer to themselves as natives. It’s a thing. You’ll see the bumper
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Pregnant - What Happens Next - Colorado Mountain Doulas
Colorado travel with a baby

How to Enjoy Your Trip to Colorado With Baby

High Altitude Babies: How to Enjoy Your Trip to Colorado Are you thinking about taking a vacation to Colorado, baby in tow? You’re making a great choice: we have tons of family-friendly things to do amid the stunning scenery. Here’s everything you need to know to enjoy bringing your baby on vacation in Colorado. The
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