
5 Things I Know About Infant Sleep

Professional doula, Gwendolyn Mccomsey shares her secrets for infant sleep on today’s guest blog. Psst…..I have a secret to tell you. Did you know that you don’t have to suffer with never ending sleepless nights as a parent of a newborn? It’s true. You can set yourself up to have long stretches of sleep pretty… Continue Reading 5 Things I Know About Infant Sleep

Colorado Mountain Doulas Standard

The Colorado Mountain Doula Standard

Here in the Pikes Peak Region you have a lot of choices when it comes to doulas. At any given time there are 20-40 birth doulas in Colorado Springs/Denver to choose from and 5-10 Colorado postpartum doulas. That seems like quite the range, doesn’t it? There are several reasons the numbers vary so much. The… Continue Reading The Colorado Mountain Doula Standard

reproductive rights