Sibling doulas - Colorado Mountain Doulas

I Wish I Had Hired a Sibling Doula

I wish someone had told me about sibling doulas when I was pregnant with my third baby. My first baby had been born with just my father and stepmother by my side. For many reasons, it was a very special time for all of us. My second baby was born in the wee hours of
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Scheduled Parenting - Colorado Mountain Doulas

Scheduled Parenting Tips

What is scheduled parenting and why is there such an uproar about it? Scheduled parenting is exactly what it sounds like, parenting your children, including infants, by the clock, rather than by instinct alone. It is structured, planned, and predictable………and also, it’s not. Let me explain. Scheduled parenting simply means working your baby into your
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Postpartum Planning - Colorado Mountain Doulas
Postpartum Feeding - Colorado Mountain Doulas
Postpartum bonding with baby - Colorado Mountain Doulas
Postpartum depression and emotional adjustment - Colorado Mountain Doulas
Postpartum recovery - Colorado Mountain Doulas
Birth - Colorado Mountain Doulas
placenta encapsulation - Colorado Mountain Doulas
Diaper Drive - No Child Wet Behind - Colorado Mountain Doulas