
Are You Asking Your Doulas the Right Questions?

The act of “doulaing” a birthing person has been around since babies have been being born. Back in the day they weren’t called doulas. They were just your mom, sister, aunt, and grandma. They were your village of people who’d come before, who knew what was normal and knew how babies are born and how
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postpartum depression
Colorado Mountain Doulas Standard

The Colorado Mountain Doula Standard

Here in the Pikes Peak Region you have a lot of choices when it comes to doulas. At any given time there are 20-40 birth doulas in Colorado Springs/Denver to choose from and 5-10 Colorado postpartum doulas. That seems like quite the range, doesn’t it? There are several reasons the numbers vary so much. The
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getaways Colorado

Colorado Mountain Doulas Doulas are Not Birth Advocates

You heard me. This agency does not hire birth advocates and we do not advocate for our clients. Instead, we support our clients and give them the tools to ADVOCATE FOR THEMSELVES. Advocating FOR someone implies that they are unable to do it for themselves. Advocates are for animals and children and those who otherwise
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What if I Don’t WANT to Breastfeed?

Then you don’t have to. It really is as simple as that. Over the last few years the push to get back to breastfeeding and increase the rates of long term breastfeeding has increased at a steady pace. We all know why it’s important, we all know the science, but there are many many reasons
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doula cost