Handling Family and Visitors Your First Two Weeks Home

The first two weeks after bringing home baby are sweet and special, but they can also be a little nerve-racking. Are they eating enough? Pooping enough? Is this stream of visitors bringing in cold and flu germs? As a parent, you have the right and prerogative to determine who will visit during this time, and
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10 Things to Do When You’re 40 Weeks Pregnant in Colorado Springs

Are you nearing the end of your pregnancy in Colorado Springs? Starting to feel like you’re just done, like you can’t go another day? I’m here to help. The end of pregnancy can be the most difficult time to relax and have fun- but it’s also a great time to enjoy our beautiful city! You might need some ideas for
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Does My Insurance Pay for Doulas?

The answer here isn’t black or white, but rather….it depends. YES-More and more insurance companies including TriCare and Medicaid (state specific) are beginning to cover or reimburse doula fees, while other companies like Carrot Fertility are actively in support of birthing families and their entire journey from TTC (trying to conceive) through the first 6
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Scheduled Parenting Tips

What is scheduled parenting and why is there such an uproar about it? Scheduled parenting is exactly what it sounds like, parenting your children, including infants, by the clock, rather than by instinct alone. It is structured, planned, and predictable………and also, it’s not. Let me explain. Scheduled parenting simply means working your baby into your
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5 Things I Know About Infant Sleep

Professional doula, Gwendolyn Mccomsey shares her secrets for infant sleep on today’s guest blog. Psst…..I have a secret to tell you. Did you know that you don’t have to suffer with never ending sleepless nights as a parent of a newborn? It’s true. You can set yourself up to have long stretches of sleep pretty
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Castle Rock Doulas

Congratulations on the next big adventure of your life – becoming a parent! Finding a doula in Castle Rock who understands your way of life and supports the choices you make can be a daunting task, but we are here to connect you with professional doulas to guide you on your journey.  At Colorado Mountain
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The Beautiful Birth of Emma, a VBAC Birth Story

In honor of Cesarean Awareness month, we’d like to share a beautiful VBAC birth story, as written from the mother’s point of view. This was the first hospital birth attended by both Lauren and myself. We are honored to have been a part of it. We were so blessed to find out that we were
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